So this post went up a little early, when it was just pictures. I apologize for that, but I am rather proud of these models and pictures.
Iron Warriors Breachers
Finally got these over the line, mainly as I didn’t want to do 20 decals on the shoulders. Oh how I dislike putting transfers on marines shoulder pads. Tiny little curved jerks! So Micro Sol and Micro Set were applied and relief lines cut into the decals to help them conform.

Sarge and the melta guns

Vexillla and grav guns
Possibly the more stand out thing is the object source lighting (OSL) on the weapons. I always knew I wanted them to stand out from their fellow marines. The grav guns, which will double as plasma in 40K, got a nice green glow. All fairly basic. But for the metla guns I wanted people to see the heat.
Now do I get a Shadowsword for this army as a personal transport for Perturabo or a pair of Leviathans? There are a lot of ways to make a good Iron Warriors army, from footsloggers to heavy assault or full on artillery. Personally I will be trying to stick with models I can use in both the Horus Heresy and Warhammer 40,000. For the Breachers I can just ignore the shields and split them into four five man squads with a special weapon each.
The scheme for my Iron Warriors is a lot brighter than my previous units, such as my Destroyers and Iron Havocs. I ;like this slightly lighter look to them, not sure I will repaint the others but this is a scheme I will stick to going forward.
Meanwhile I am starting to think this army needs someone to follow. Starting to think that this guy, from my Conversion World post, could be suitable:
Looking good Rory!
Cheers. This is only a draft and shouldn’t have gone up yet. I know I tend to use minimal text but not this little.
I wanted to comment on how much your models inspire me. Lovely work. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Nice work on the hazard stripes. They aren’t easy on the curved surfaces, but the squad looks nice and cohesive. It really lifts the metallic scheme a lot.
My thanks. There was much practice before trying the hazards. What I found useful was to do the yellow first, then very thin black pilot lines. When you are happy with them just extend them out.
Sweet! Nice set of marines, Rory. I agree the legion hazard strips came out famously.
My thanks. They are a lot better than the first set of stripes I did.
Those look great, man – I dig ’em!
Cheers chief.
Lovely, and nice OSL. Are those not Las Cutters, not Melta Guns… I guess in 40k they can be Counts-as Melta tho. Nice job
My lack of 30K knowledge is showing. Whoops my bad.
Thanks for the compliment.
Great looking squads. You’ve a right to be proud.
Your OSL is coming along as well. Night and day from your earliest works with it.
Thanks Thor, means a lot.
Well I have learned from some good folks. Turns out I shouldn’t just splash paint in the general area.
Loving the colour scheme man, as for the others, I would recommend it just for consistency, but totally understand that’s quite the undertaking!
Great job regardless, love the “just try it bro,” IW in the front.
Cheers and welcome to the site. Will see how things go for the next set.
Got to have a badass leading from the front right?
Very nice.
A great idea on the special weapons, the amount of times I’ve had to go through an entire squad looking for the special weapon dude is ridiculous….I wish I’d thought of doing that years ago 😉
Time to go back and visit your old squads so 🙂