Well when you are on a roll you might as well go with it right? Well that is what I thought, so after a post yesterday I wanted to push on with Shooty MyShootface here. With a cancelled D&D session I got to get in some good painting and here we are…
Thousand Sons Forgefiend WIP2: RAWR! |
So last night I managed to hit a lot more of the base details that needed doing such as the base of the daemon skin, I thought to go with purple on this one. No particular reason, it just seemed to come to hand and I thought it looked good against the other two colours.
You can see below how I have gone back over the blue in places to try create some highlighted areas, I didn’t want to leave everything that dark shade. This also helped clear up a lot of the over spill on the quick and dirty metals I did. Also there are the first bits of brass being added to the guns to try break up that plain metal look. Not sure how far to go with that.
Thousand Sons Forgefiend WIP2: Blue side. |
Below you can see how the purple skin looks, this was actually pretty tricky to do as the black base coat made it harder to see where the flesh and metal joined. In the end it looks similar to one of my Mayhem Pack Hellbrutes. I am not looking forward to trying to highlight/bring some depth to that skin though.
Thousand Sons Forgefiend WIP2: Purple legs. Must have shifted the camera while taking this though. |
On this one we can see a better look at the orange which has had its metallics defined a lot more, especially along the rump area. It also shows the dry brushed stone on the base, which has been brough up to a lighter colour. Still very WIP though, I should have taken the model off for a seperate picture.
That back mounted exhausted have been started, quite happy with them so far. Any suggestions of were to go with them now?
Thousand Sons Forgefiend WIP2: Orange side. |
Thousand Sons Forgefiend WIP2: Do I need to go over the orange? |
Now Shooty here has already had an Ironclad calling him out, but I am not sure how that battle would go down. Can you tell I don’t really know the stats?
Blog shout out time! If you haven’t even been over to
Feed Your Nerd – Greggles you will at least have seen him comment somewhere, anywhere about something. Greggles is a great help to a lot of bloggers in given good advice and showing us what good blogging should be all about. It helps that he is a great painter and a stand up guy to boot.
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