Tag Archives: Yncarne

Converting Yncarne into Cegorach – Paint WiP

By | 07/05/2017

The Laughing God – Yncarne So the background fluff for my Ynnari force is strongly rooted in the Harlequins and ‘Cegorach’s Return‘! Check here for the first post on this conversion. I added the extra masks as there is one of every mask in the troupe, I imagined him switching masks as he takes on different roles… Read More »

Converting Yncarne into Cegorach the laughing god

By | 06/28/2017

A post from Pinky:  Tonight’s magic trick involves turning the ‘Yncarne’ into ‘Cegorach the laughing god’… So the background fluff for my Ynnari force is strongly rooted in the Harlequins and ‘Cegorach’s Return‘! The laughing god has pulled a joke of epic scale and convinced the 40K universe that a ‘New!’ Eldar god has been born…… Read More »