Warhammer 40K: Scratch build Chaos Knight

By | 07/05/2016

Time for a WArhammer 40K Knight Off!

So at times I get myself in a little over my head, well this is one of those times. I appear to be in a build off with a friend, Kirsten, who you may remember from her annoyingly good conversions already.  See here and here for her Hrud work.

To combat this I had to go with a complete scratch build. Maybe a little too complete because this project is kicking my @$$.

Scratch build chaos knight
Scratch build chaos knight 1

I am working with plastic card tubes, green stuff and random gubbins. Also some advice from Thomas over at High Times on the Eastern Fringe, which is a wonderful blog you should all check out. Stunning work goes on over there. This is slowly comnig together.

Scratch build chaos knight
Scratch build chaos knight 2

Kirsten has thrown together this across a number of lunch breaks. I think she is winning on looks and completion rate. This will be for her stunning Sisters of Battle army, who has a Dino-Rider theme. Bonus points to anyone who remembers those,

Scratch build Sisters of Battle knight
Scratch build Sisters of Battle knight 1

Scratch build Sisters of Battle knight
Scratch build Sisters of Battle knight 2

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