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Squaduary 2020: It begins!

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Squaduary runs through the month of February and aims to help people get a new squad built and painted. Throughout the month you pledge, build and paint a set of troops for your army. The aim is to get some of your grey plastic pile and turn them into painted troops on the battlefield. Some models may have been partially built, some may have been base coated, but it is up to you. These minis could be from Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar, Bolt Action or anything else. Don’t feel it has to be Game Workshop only.

This is the fourth year of Squaduary, the final posts for each year are linked below:

2019 final post2018 final post2017 final post

Previously I have laid out some stages as a guideline, I will repeat them below in case they help.

++ The Stages +++

There will be four stages, each taking a week, to this:

1. Assembly: 1st – 7th

Taking them off the sprues or putting them on bases, what ever way you get them ready for paint.

2. Basic painting: 8th – 14th

This is your basic coating and blocking in colours.

3. Clean up and details: 15th – 21st

Cleaning up your colours and picking out all the bits to make the mini stand out.

4. Basing: 22nd – 28th

Adding the base or just painting it out.

Stages 2 and 4 can be swapped as per your own style. Hell you could ignore the lot, I am not the Corpse God Emperor of you!

There no hard rules for this event because this is a hobby and so should be fun for all. Getting that unit of Horus Heresy Destroyers done, your Orc Blood Bowl team out, your Malifaux crew ready to game, etc. Use this as a chance to gain some hobby momentum for the new year.

Some folks have already begun with their Squaduary pledges:

Blogs (click the names for more their posts):

Bezerkerblade – has jumped off the starting blocks with a test miniature for his squad.

Folks from Stepping Between Games:






Thousand Eyes:

I will be looking into doing some more Custodes of the Damned, combining Custodes and Legion of the Dammed.

What do you have in mind?

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