Hello sinners!
First Thousand Sons Rhino: One careful owner. 10,000 years on the clock. |
This is the finished product of the Rogue Trader Era Rhino I started to work on. I figured I better get it across the finish line at this stage, so I did. All in all in was done in two sessions, although it does need a coat of varnish but the Irish weather system is all over the place at the moment.
First Thousand Sons Rhino: More free hand attempts. |
It is hard to tell but all the edgse have actually been highlighted with a lighter blue, I wanted to make sure this wasn’t overpowering at all though. Maybe I should have made it a little starker though. You can also see on the side there some attempts I did at more freehand. I wanted to go with a vague Egyptian stylised eye and I think it works. The other side failed miserably and will have to be re-done.
First Thousand Sons Rhino: Extended rear. |
This is when the Rhino really changed, it got an extended caboose. I made the whole chasis sit up a lot higher on the tracked sides and used my meager plasticard skills to extend the end of put a extra door on the back. The gubbins at the back from some bits of spare chaos vehicle sprue I had, it makes it look a lot less plain.
First Thousand Sons Rhino: Ramming time! |
First Thousand Sons Rhino: Roof detail. |
Attempts to do freehand on the roof didn’t turn out too well though. Initially I wanted to do something like trapped souls in the deep red but that just wasn’t working out, so I tried the typical Tzeentch symbol and you can see how well that went.