Back after a little break with a guest article from a good friend of mine and former ‘Eavy Metal painter Kirsten. This is the start of her work on a Hrud army. For anyone not familar, and I am not surprised, go here and read up on them: Hrud article. Now on to models themselves:
Hrud – using Tau battlesuit rules. |
Kirsten:“My name is Kirsten, and I’ve been painting and playing with toy soldiers for
25 years now. I first went into GW Croydon when I was twelve and thoroughly
trounced my little brother in an intro game of 2nd Ed 40k using Gretchin. I
then bought three dragons and two genestealer hybrids for a fiver and was
hooked. I painted them with poster paints, and went back again for a proper
look around the next weekend. I found the Perry brothers’ Rat Ogres, and fell
in love with Skaven…”
Hrud – using Tau battlesuit rules, no: 1. |
Hrud – using Tau battlesuit rules, no: 1. |
Kirsten:“Since then I have discovered TTRPGs, LRP, board
games and many different tabletop wargames. I have spent 9 years painting in
the ‘Eavy Metal team, helped paint the displays in the new GW Exhibition Centre
and am now painting the new Warlord Games Dr Who range.”
Hrud – using Tau battlesuit rules, no: 2. |
Hrud – using Tau battlesuit rules, no: 2. |
Hrud – using Tau battlesuit rules, no: 2. |
Hrud – using Tau battlesuit rules, no: 2. |
Kirsten: “Ever since the picture appeared in 4th Ed 40k I have wanted to do a Hrudd
army. There is so much I can do with Space Skaven! When the Undead Mortarchs
came out I knew that was my starting point. I picked the Tau Codex as having a
lot of impressive shooting, and very little close combat (scuttling away is
always the best option). The Morghast Archai would make perfect battle suits.
The Mortarchs are great for Riptides. Stormvermin armed with Skitarii muskets
work for Fire Warriors. Add in Stormfiends as Broadsides and a zombie dragon
for a Stormsurge and it’s the basis for a nice little shooty-death army.”
Hrud troopers – using Tau Fire Warrior rules. |
Hrud troopers – using Tau Fire Warrior rules. |
Kirsten: “All pieces are works in progress, there’s still a lot of greening to do…”
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