+++The Stone Gauntlet: Imperial Fists+++
First squad for my Stone Gauntlet is done, maybe the next one will have the correct shields. These ones had to be modified, a lot. The riot shields are from Anvil Industries, the right hand flamer shield is a hatch from an old Rhino kit and the sarge is rocking the more ornate looking Age of Sigmar shield.
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
It is hard to imagine when looking at these but I originally was planning to go for a parade ground clean set of marines. Ready to be deployed straight from there ships to combat, but instead I thought lets have them looking like they have fought there way to the bridge of the enemy ship. Perhaps even stood on the walls of the Imperial Palace and thrown back the enemy time and time again.
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
Yes it turns out I don’t have any suitable decals at all for these, so they got rough and ready marks that I imagine were hastily applied to new armour before shipping out to the next fight. I will hopefulyl get something to go over these and the other shoulder pads in time.
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad – Sarge |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad – Sarge |
Imperial Fists Breacher Squad – Sarge |
So tell me, what do you think?
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