#Squaduary 2019 starts this week

By | 01/28/2019

On Friday we will reach February 1st and more importantly the first day of Squaduary! This is an event from this very site to encourage people to get some base line troopers on the board and painted up.

This event is not just for GW models, everything is welcome.

Squaduary rules

Squaduary 2019

It runs through the four weeks of February and breaks it down into four stages:

  1. Building
  2. Basecoating
  3. Fine details
  4. Basing

This is no means the only way to complete the event but just a rough guideline. Lavish full attention on one model completely before the next, base all your models first, it doesn’t matter.

It can be anything from Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40K, to your Dreadball team or maybe an Infinity gang.

Last year over 300 models were started and 250 of them were actually completed. That meant all around the world there was a lot less grey on table tops everywhere.

So what do you say? Want to join in?

If you use #Squaduary on Instagram or Twitter I will show your work here, with links to your details. Likewise I will be looking through all manor of blogs to try keep everything up to date on the weekly posts.

The important thing is to have fun and not get stressed!

24 thoughts on “#Squaduary 2019 starts this week

  1. Thor

    Hmm. Maybe I’ll put up my Undead team. It is mostly done, but as a slow painter, this could see me complete it.

  2. Siph

    I’m in! Ad Mech Skitarii Vanguard!

    1. Siph Horridus

      Excellent, look forward to these again

      1. dmary

        Pledging a squad of 5 tactical support marines and a squad of 6 heavy support marines. Both squads primed, but needing some love now that their two squads of 10 tactical brothers have seen paint.

  3. Westrider

    Given the difficulty in priming at this time of year, I’m going to try for building one Squad, and painting another, already primed one. No idea what for the build, but probably some Plague Marines or Poxwalkers for the painting.

  4. NafNaf

    Cool! I’ve got a German bolt action squad I need to do a tabletop job on so I’ll be joining in 🙂

      1. Ed OMalley

        Cheers Cylde, welcome to you also!


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