Reddit user Tzeentched has shown me another stunning conversion and paintjob that once again makes me hate the talent on show. I was never a fan of the spindly Lord of Change so this is just a wonderful take on it.
Tzeentch Demons
Tzeentched: “It is made from 3 GW sets. The main body is the giant rat from the Thanquol & Boneripper set, the Wings are Dorghar’s from the Archaon set, and the relic on his back/shoulder are bits from the Chaos Warshrine.”
Tzeentch Demons
Tzeentched: “Gauntlets are just the alternate weapons in the Thanquol & boneripper set, They are pictured on the back of the box for some reason. I don’t see why you’d build it any other way.”
Tzeentch Demons
Tzeentch Demons
Tzeentched: “The model really is drowning in the same blue paints repeatedly, I really tried to break them up and use different effects to make it interesting. I think I used half a bottle of Vallejo Intense Blue.”
Tzeentch Demons
Tzeentched on his bases: “The texture is Vallejo crackle medium. I recommend using it if you like pulling your hair out and mumbling curse words. It gives a really cool effect when it dries but the results vary to a large degree, so it usually takes a few attempts. One coat light blue, seal it with gloss varnish (I use testors), One layer dark blue, Crackle medium, say a prayer to the dark gods, chip a few pieces off, blue wash, and seal again. I have been topping the darker parts with the new Soulstone Blue gem paint which I think looks pretty neato.”
Tzeentch Demons – Insulting how much better his Flamers look than mine.
Tzeentch Demons – Stunning horrors to go along with it.