Welcome to week two of Squadary!
Welcome to week 2!
There will be four stages, each taking a week, to this:
1. Assembly: 1st – 7th
Taking them off the sprues or putting them on bases, what ever way you get them ready for paint.
2. Basic painting: 8th – 14th
This is your basic coating and blocking in colours.
3. Clean up and details: 15th – 21st
Cleaning up your colours and picking out all the bits to make the mini stand out.
4. Basing: 22nd – 28th
Adding the base or just painting it up.
Please do check out peoples Twitter and blog links below to see their progress. If I missed your update please do link it in the comments and I can update it 🙂
Week 1 is under our belts and most of us will have our models built or heavily converted in some cases. Now it is time to get going with laying down those base coats. For some that will be laying down some basic colours, for others you will be going whole hog on one miniature at a time. Remember this is for fun! Get things done at your own pace. More miniatures painting on gaming tables across the world is better.
The starting Squaduary pledges!
Marc van Holst from Old School Gaming
I have plenty of squads that would fit that bill, but my Iron Snakes Centurions are at the top of the list. I had a bit of a head start with Kryto, the sergeant pictured below, because I wanted to see if the concept was worth pursuing. Last night, feeling confident but exhausted from my first week back at work, I converted the final two Centurions to be armed with plasma cannons.
Kirsten Williams from Stepping Between Games
Svartmetall from Stepping Between Games
Six out of the seven!
Mr. Pink from Modern Synthesist
A closer look at some of the additions to my #genestealerCult unwashed Neophytes.
Spoticus from Fortress Erioch
Turkadactyl from Turkacdactyl
I pledged to do five Sylvaneth Tree Revenants and three Kurnoth Hunters with bows. I’m ahead of the #Squaduary schedule and well into the painting.
Doug from Bare Hand Fishing
As I am looking for any and all motivation to finish my Genestealer Cult army, it was only natural that I chose a squad of neophytes to enter into the challenge.
My squad is more of a hodgepodge of chaos cultists, genestealer cult neophyte models, some Empire flagellant bits thrown in the mix, and some great hairless heads from maxmini.- in short, it is a true representation of the flotsam and jetsam that could inevitably ends up in the initial clutches of a genestealer infiltration – working class stragglers, the downtrodden, unfortunate souls caught in the wrong place…The list goes on.
Repentant Unforgiven from Dragons Eye Miniatures
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
Joe B from Broken Paintbrush
Already making progress on my Squaduary pledge and have an update on my Blood Bowl Ork Team WIP. As mentioned in my last WIP update, I wanted to paint them with purple armor and decided that orange would be a good spot color.
At this point, I have half the team base coated and washed with brown. They look rough right now, and I hate showing this stage of painting, but as part of Squaduary, I need to show some updates right?
So while this week of Squaduary was supposed to be build week, I already had the team built up and primed. So between the head start I already had and wanting to get the Stompa done this month as well, I have been plowing ahead.
D Power from Alone With a Dream
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
Von from Kaptian Von
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
NafNaf from Objective Secured
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
Thor from Creative Twilight
For Squaduary I’m trying to finish up my Blood Bowl team. I have 2 Blitzers, a Catcher, and an Ogre to complete. As you can see, they’re already built, and the Catcher has some paint on him. I just finished painting the Ogre today as well, but he’s being sealed and drying, so shots to come there.
Pluckylass from Stepping Between Games
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
Marcus Sebeca from Stepping Between Games
Mo from Stepping Between Games
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
Pluckylad from Stepping Between Games
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
Dave Mary from 262 Death Korps
Having worked on a Dreadnought and Drop pod for the Deathwatch Space Marines most recently, I decided this was a perfect opportunity to continue the momentum there and complete a veteran squad to ride down in the drop pod! To that end, I chose four veterans with frag cannons and a Blackshield to act as a bullet magnet while the boys lay down the righteous fire of the Emperor of Mankind.
FettFace from Back on the Battlewagon
In an effort to improve my painting, or at least my painting technique, I’m trying to do things a little bit differently with these dudes. Usually I block in the main colours and then do the detail bits. But not this time!
This time, I’m trying to do the raised detail first and then backfill the larger panels, and you know what, I’m finding myself getting a lot less frustrated and therefore making fewer mistakes that then then need to be fixed. It seems to be easier to paint into a corner (eg the inner corner of a space marine pauldron) rather than paint the raised edges without touching the background.
Corrm from St. Andrews Wargaming
Six Plus from Six Plus Painting
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
Cylde from Mastodontica
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
Andrew Franke from The Unknown
I need a #Squaduary to finish my U.S. Army’44 Infantry boxed set. Pledged U.S. Army ’44 Boxed Set. Wargames Factory 28mm
Challenge Accepted!
Captain Leadfoot from Stepping Between Games
Pledges from Twitter
Max from Twitter
I may be interested into Squadary, with a salamander squad.
Andrew from Twitter
I’m in! Going to do 10 World Eaters assault marines!
Craig from Twitter
Vampire Duke from Twitter
Eric from Twitter
Another one for the ranks, this time a Black Templar. Only 8 more to paint.
Fickle Brush from Twitter
As part of #squaduary I’m planning to get my terminators done from my box of BaC box.…
New Pledges
Ed O’Malley from Berserker Blade
Count me in! I’ll pledge a unit of Skitarii Vanguard for my slowly growing Mechanicus contingent.
No update picture yet, tune in next week.
Rob from Island of Rob
Best I have atm, will get to them soon been building a shed
The Fallen Star from Google+
Five Ork Nobs – THE POWA NOBS!
Adam from Sprue Grey Nation
Blazmo from Tabletop Apocalypse
The goal for the first week is to build your miniatures, so in this post I’m presenting the fruits of my labor; namely the recently reincarnated Desert Dogs (back due to popular demand after their 10 year hiatus). Gaming wise, I’m planning to use them as a faction in some games of Inquisitor (28mm scale) as a Planetary Defence Force turned police unit. We’ll see if the can stem the waiting tides of mutants, heretics, plague zombies and ermm…. Mechanicus?
Westrider from Cascadian Grim Dark
Before the Legions supplement came out, I had been planning on running my Alpha Legion as Raven Guard Counts-As with the Talon Strike Force. To that end, I’d pulled together a bunch of bits for some heavily armed and trained and boosted Culties to represent Scouts. Despite the awesomeness of the Alpha Legion Rules in the supplement, I kind of feel like I still want to do this, just for the lulz. So here I’ve got a mix of SM Scout, Tempestus Scion, Catachan, Flagellant, and Chaos Marauder parts, ready to mix and match for some sneaky evilness.
Siph from The Weemen
I am late to the party, but pledge the remaining 8 members of my now 32mm based RTB01 Marines! They’ve been sitting around since before Sept last year! Well, truthfully, since about 1988.
So I started a little ahead of some participants as I had painted 2 members of the squad already, seen here. As Thousandeyes says, there is no hard and fast rules, its a fun hobby motivation type thing designed to get those loafing minis done – right up my street on this year of cracking the great plastic and resin to-do pile!
Pinky from The Spiral
A little behind plan but some progress made… assembled and undercoated, base coats going on asap..
Jason Smith on Twitter
Initial black wash on my Ion Age Maligs to darken the recesses