This boardgame is tremendous fun, fully recommend it for any fans of Hellboy or boardgames. But the models all come grey, which leaves a lot to be desired, especially as after the Kickstarter there was a lot of models. I do want to point out this isn’t a Mantic Games sponsored post, sadly they didn’t give me anything for this.
The Goodies
There is a marvelous collection of heroes in the game and I have painted up about half of them now. Most of the rest are Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD) agents, with fairly similar models.
Four of the figures for Hellboy himself and there are at least two others around. There is a Luchador and one I have already done, Santa Hellboy.
The Baddies
Frogmen things. They come in a variety of gross forms and make for pretty good bad guys. I used a lot of very muted tones for what are one step above swamp creatures.
The Uglies
There is always a worse badguy, in this case it is these guys. At least the others are monsters, these are humans who chose to be monsters.
As a big time fan of boardgames I always recommend painting up the miniatures, it adds so much to the game.